Angels n Demons

Hey Hi...

the school was fine today with the Independence Day celebrations... :)
The weather was super good today with loads of rain and cool wind/breeze blowing all day long and yeah wednesdays in skwl are kinda 'light'.

Hey I'm reading Angels and Demons right now.It's a book by Dan Brown.I have also read DA VINCI CODE and i thought that it was the ultimate book.But,I've now realized I was so wrong.....
Damn,Angels and Demons is just outta this world.Damn good storyline,great suspense and sense of mystery just gets my nerves cracking.And I'm fascinated by Ambigrams the most by reading the books.
Lemme give u the official defintion of an Ambigram:
"An ambigram, also sometimes known as an inversion, is a graphical figure that spells out a word not only in its form as presented, but also in another direction or orientation"

Lets see some examples.

Its the spinner if u look it upside down,It looks the same.Isnt it Amazing???

Just move ur neck kind 180 degrees(I'm not sure)....What I mean is that both the ways it looks the same.....I know ur neck will be aching by now.SORRY for that.

Anyways these are very fascinating things and all the symbologists around the world regard them as a very high form of art.

I'm goin to complete this book in a day or two and I'm eagerly waiting for its movie which is set to release in early 2009.

Bye for now.gotta complete the book.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008


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