9/11 Anniversary...

Hey Hi....

today I had to come and write out a post.Thats because today is 9/11 which i believe is a really big emotional and sentimental day as it has some really distressful memories linked to it.For the people who don't know what I'm talking about let me tell you about the attack on US's twin towers which was done by the Al-Qaida terrorist groups under the one and only 'OSAMA BIN LADEN' on 9th september 2001.I really don't know the facts about the whole incident as I was to young at that time(7 years ago).But still I know that it had a very severe impact on the whole world and the US people were shook from their roots.
I was reading in the newspaper that this 9/11 incident has become the most often used phrase in the world and people nowadays often use this term to signify disaster on a massive scale.

Anyways now I need to shift my focus towards the news that has been making the whole world cross their fingers. The news about the test being conducted by CERN (European Association for Nuclear Research). It is the largest particle physics  lab in the world and its conducting a test in their machine called Large Hadron Collider(LHC).They are gonna collide protons in it and recreate whatever happened in the Big Bang and the people around the world are screaming(not literally) that in this experiment a black hole is gonna be created which is going to suck the earth.But as I go by the facts,I knew from the very beginning that all this thing is gonna be full-proof and there will be no danger to mankind.Also,I read the article by the world renowned scientist Sir Stephen Hawking and that further made be believe that nothing is going to happen by this experiment.Anyways for more info on this topic google it up or just visit CERN's official website : www.cern.ch and verify all your queries.

Coming back to my life,today was a rather fine day at school.The first half was all-so-boring and to worse all these things I had a not-so-severe headache which made me rather emotional.But then in the break,my friends took me outside and they made me very happy!! After that the rest of the day was fine.
But now the tension is building up as only 17/18 days are left for the Half-Yearlys and my preparation isn't that good,I suppose.
So now to strengthen my preparations for the upcoming exams I gotta go and study.
So atlast I would just like to quote a nano-tale(6 word stories).
                                "LIFE IS GREAT,BUT CONDITIONS APPLY"   :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008


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